
Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Workspace

My clean (for the moment) workspace. It's not usually like this- just finished some cookies and thought it might be a good idea absolutely necessary to clean up the space and wash some tools so I could have something to work with for the the next batch!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mother's Day

I made some cookies for my Mom for Mother's Day. I also took pictures of them and for a much better reason other than posting on my blog. You see, I am making my first attempt at shipping cookies- all the way from Israel to Florida! So, I figured I'd better have some evidence of what they look like so in case they get to my Mom in a million pieces, at least she'll know what they were originally!

Each cookie is bagged separately, wrapped in bubble wrap, cushioned inside a pretty tin can and that is cushioned inside a mailing box. Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Piping bag holder

After reading this post from the amazing Callye at Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle, I decided to look for other ideas for piping bag holders. After having loads of fun searching in local "dollar" type stores ( they call them dollars stores here, but nothing is REALLY just a dollar!), I found this cutlery drainer- yes some people still wash dishes by hand! 

I like it for a few reasons:

The sections come apart for easy cleaning - that's important for me.

There's room for two or three piping bags in each section, depending on how full your bags are.

I'm sure there are lots of other gadgets out there that can be used for things other than what they were intended for. Just open your mind and let your imagination go wild! It's fun!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's Nice To Be Recognized

I don't consider myself a writer at all. I started this blog as a way to keep a record of my hobby as a baker and an amateur cookie/cake decorator. Through this blog I have met many talented, kind and wonderful people, who I can only hope to meet in person some day.
The other day I was very surprised to get an email from Teri at The Freshman Cook  telling me she had given me an award- The Versatile Blogger- on her blog.

 How fun is that? Just to know that someone else besides my family and close friends are reading this is really amazing.
The award works like this:
  • Thank the person who awarded you by linking back to their post
  • Pass the award on to 15 other new or newly discovered blogs
  • List 7 interesting things about yourself 

OK- here are 7 things about myself- how interesting they are is another story but  here goes:

1. I was born and brought up in Syracuse , N.Y.

2. I was a theater major in college( thought I was going to be the next Barbra Streisand- uh,right!).

3. I ended up graduating with a degree in Exceptional Education ( suppose that's not too far off!).

4. I have lived in Israel for the past 33 years (how time flies!).

5. I have three gorgeous grown daughters and one beautiful granddaughter who is the light of my life.

6. I am divorced ( after 19 years of marriage) and remarried 10 years ago to a wonderful man.

7. I hate hot, humid weather ( so why does she live in Israel, they ask?!).

I am passing the award on to the following blogs that are more than likely not new- just new to ME!

1.Annie's Eats
3.Culinary in the Desert
4. BraveTart
5.The Royal Cook
6. Not So Humble Pie ( this is not new to me , but I love her blog so much, I just had to include it!)
7. The Little Kitchen
8. Bakingdom
9. How Sweet It Is
10.Sweet Tooth Desserts
11. The Partiologist
12. Crazy for Crust
13.My Little Bakery
14.The Kitchen Adventures
15.Baked Perfection

Give them all a visit and hope you visit me again soon!