
Friday, March 20, 2009


Procrastination is my middle name. I learned this word at a very young age and understood that no matter what I did, I always seemed to put things off until tomorrow, the last minute (when it came to homework or projects I had to do for school!) or just pushed them "sometime in the future". It's not a great quality to have ,but there are aspects of procrastination that work for me- I do my best work under pressure, I become highly motivated when the deadline approaches and that "ahhhhhh" of satisfaction is so sweet when I finally complete my task.
This all leads to the point of my posting new posts. Its not that I don't like to do it, or even that I have a deadline, cause I don't. Just that I need get that "umph" or sudden urge to do it NOW!

Anyhoo, I love learning new things, especially, of course when it comes to baking. I took an evening course this week on "Boutique Cookies". It was an entire evening ( 5-10p.m.) of learning and making beautiful, sort of fancy type cookies. I had a great time, got some delicious recipes and ideas- here are some pics of the evening's work.

Pistachio, Orange, Vanilla Cookies- so pretty !

Rolling the "Chocolate-Nougat Filled Cigars"

Ready for Presentation

"Diamond Cookies" - coffee version

The rolled out dough base for "Dried Fruit and Toffee Fingers"

Spreading the topping ( these are simply unbelievable!)

Piping the bases for "Passion Fruit Macarons"

It's all in the presentation!
The course is run by a local chef and pastry chef by the name of Oren Giron. He is a great teacher, nice person and has so much knowledge to pass on. He offers a professional pastry chef's course, which I have been dying to enroll in, but was a bit afraid to make the commitment ( 13 weeks, although it is only once a week but from 5-midnight and possibly beyond if needed). There goes that procrastination sneaking in again. For some reason , the conditions were right last Monday night so I went ahead and took the leap- I start this Monday and hope to pass on some of the things I learn as well as recipes and pics. Keep posted for coming episodes!

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