Sunday, February 1, 2015

Toffee Coffee Cake Surprise

OK, this is going to be a quickie since it's very late and I need to get this posted- now! I wasn't sure I was going to have the time today to make this cake but I somehow squeezed it in and boy was it ever worth it! Excuse the very poor quality photos-  night time here already so lighting is an issue.

A perfect coffee cake with a  luscious band of all that is good running through the middle-namely a combination of toffee bits ( I actually made my own- nothing like it in this world!) chopped, roasted almonds and a bit of the actual dough mix.

basically a homemade heath bar- but better!
see that amazing band of  deliciousness ( is that a word?)

A little bit of a fussy recipe, especially if you make your own toffee ( but you only use a small amount of the batch so there's ALL that leftover  that you can't leave just sitting around), but definitely a go to cake for any occasion.

You can get the recipe here at Baked Sunday Mornings.



  1. Looks gorgeous! That toffee filling really is "all that is good". I wish I would have had time to make my own. And yes-- 'deliciousness' is a word! At least in our baking world it is... :)

  2. Love that you made your own toffee! I'll have to try that next time!

  3. Deliciousness is absolutely a word! And perfect for this cake!

  4. Definitely worth it to make the toffee! Great looking cake!

  5. Looks wonderful! Love all that caramel taste.


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